So much has been done by the breeders in hybridizing the new race of mum, which carry both the fine large flowers and strong English colors of the English Early Mum. With a natural flowering date of mid to late September and available in many varieties through October. This means a colorful show in my lawn, garden and landscaping during a time when most annuals and other perennials are going down hill. Through hybridizing, the quality of the mum is greatly improved. We take so much for granted these days. Fifty years ago, if we had 20 to 30 nice buds and flowers, it was good. Today, we have hundreds of buds and flowers. I started to the count the buds and flowers the other day, on one of my mum and I finally gave up. You have to see it to believe it. There are so many new colors to choose from and if you have trouble just picking one color, you can now purchase the beautiful Tri Color mums.
Mums are very forgiving and an easy plant to raise. With a little tender loving care you can plant a mum for beautiful color this fall and for many seasons to come. I ask you to visit our Garden Center this fall, let us help you with your selection and furnish you with some helpful tips on the caring of your mums.